Emergency supply-chain services for aviation contingencies
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Aviation & Aerospace

LMF’s borderless AOG program clears your plane for the skies

The aviation and aerospace industry depends on supply-chain partners like Leader Mutual Freight (LMF), a global freight-forwarding network and a hardened partner in aircraft-on-ground (AOG) emergency services encompassing sensible planning, swift coordination, and sound execution. LMF’s around-the-clock AOG program can be tailored to match all your global warehousing and parts-sourcing needs. We are also accredited to handle customs declaration and import-export optimization, the transportation of outsize cargo, and other aviation demands. Rolling updates and strategic re-configuration are our forte.

LMF has been working with the aviation and aerospace industry for over three decades. We are dedicated to the steady pursuit of optimization, from parts procurement to distribution, outsize cargo delivery and packaging design. Our global AOG program is always just one phone call away, with interlocking communications compatible with your device and platform for automated updates. Inventory levels and delivery status of each requested item are transparent and responsive — let us shield your supply chain from all possible contingencies.

Our partners in the aviation and aerospace industry include: